[^_^] Thief Escape Walkthrough
1. Left side - 3rd shelf - 2nd book from left
2. Right side - 2nd shelf - 5th book from left
3. Left side - Bottom Shelf - Last book from left
4. Right side - 4th shelf - 2nd book from left
5. Left side - 1st shelf - 2nd book from left
this is my first time that i post a walkthrough
(excuse my poor english)
click on plant snd get a key
open left side of cupboard next couch and get s key
turn right and get key from under left chair and another key from bottom right shelf of book shelf
turn right and get rope from under table and zoom in window and get key from right side use that key to open the big box beside table, get a screwdriver
turn right, get key from vase
use light blue key on right drawer to get matches
use blue key on left top drawer to get a hammer
use black key on the same bottom drawer to get tape
turn right and use yellow key on second drawer of the cupboard and get a remote
use red key on right side of cupboard and get sheet of paper
use remote on tv and enter the code
1. Left side - 3rd shelf - 2nd book from left
2. Right side - 2nd shelf - 5th book from left
3. Left side - Bottom Shelf - Last book from left
4. Right side - 4th shelf - 2nd book from left
5. Left side - 1st shelf - 2nd book from left
(this order is from NheartJ)
get the cylinder from floor
go right twice, look to paper and notice the door’s knob
hit with the hammer the right side over vase
go right and use the screwdriver on picture
in your inventory put the thing from wall in cylinder the rope then tape and put the bomb on safe and light it with the matches and boooooom
open safe get the diamond and the key
congratulations, mission accomplished
Source Thief Escape Walkthrough