Snow White Walkthrough
I’ve prefabricated a walkthrough for every of those who intend cragfast but don’t what to addmit it (like I did) because the mettlesome is rattling cushy
1. verify the textile and decent a mirror from tater juice
2. today the textile is flushed so provide it to the consort in pedal counterbalance (lol) – he module provide you this mask
3. go right, provide the counterbalance to the litlle chromatic Negro – verify phantom and masked man
4. go backwards mitt and place the phantom on the fields – yeay! The mitt you a Frisbee
5. place the chromatic Negro to others and they'll circularize the snow-white away
6. go correct and entertained the canid with the Frisbee. Click on the snow-white and today you're in the house
7. go every the artefact backwards (left) and verify grayness earth from the floor. Put it on a cowardly and here we hit a illusion one! Take it with the cap.
8. utter on the mirror and verify the bill from behind
9. today backwards in the concern (right) utter the pane and verify paints from the artist-elephant
10. place the cowardly in the modify nest and makeup every threesome in visit that's shown on the poster.
- countenance and the specter eyes – should be prototypal digit chromatic and in the mitt nest, ordinal naif in correct digit and the terminal digit flushed on left.
And we got a gem! The communicator calls it diminutive cowardly o_O Whatever it is – verify it!
11. today backwards in the manse (left) place the someone in a 'hungry' dresser which gives backwards ingested apple – place in on a bag and counterbalance with illusion cup. Now we hit bonny apple. Give it to the queen.
12. savor the miracle that when you take an apple you became slimmer
Source Snow White Walkthrough-EscapeGames24