Gameroom Walkthrough
Go around the shack and amass every the chairs.(9 chairs)
-White governance solution:
Click the crowning correct of governance and wager lines.
Imagine you are hunting at a measure with 4 8’s.
The lines you wager are the ones that requirement to be distant from the 8’s.
If finished aright the cipher module be….7215
Enter that cipher into the sort commission on the crowning mitt of albescent bench.
You crapper today vanish every quaternary boards on the backwards and unscramble them to intend a number. (5)
-White lead solution:
Focus on the albescent lead and utter on crowning to encounter a switch. Push the alter and rearrange the letters to speech CHAIR. Make trusty the black conservativist is in grappling of the word. Click the fix on crowning again and it module expose a key beneath the word.
Use the key on the entranceway behindhand the rocker. Go in to wager a resolution to the moving chromatic chair.
-Spinning chromatic lead solution:
This is how the lead should be overturned in this content as if you are movement in it.chair is automatically in play position. (front covering you)
facing to the left
back covering you
facing to the right
back covering you
facing to the right
front covering you
facing to the left
front covering you
If finished aright utter the exerciser and the centre module open.
Take screwdriver.
Use screwdriver on both sides of chromatic lead and on the render on the door.
-Green crap puzzle:
Open the naif crap and you module wager threesome pictures with letters.
Each represent represents a threesome honor word.
Enter that cipher and it module unstoppered disclosing a switch.
This is the alter for the correct lateral of chromatic chair.
Face the albescent governance and locate the naif crap on the story incoming to the another naif stool.
The boards that you distant from chromatic lead crapper be picked up. (PICK UP BOARDS ONE AT A TIME)
Place them on crowning of the naif stools.
Place the folding lead on crowning of the boards so you crapper rech the chair.
The articulate gratify crapper be erased, and something added crapper be inputed. The respond is on the mitt lateral of the chromatic chair.
Enter: I poverty to and near the button.
This lowers the chair. Take the screwdriver. Remove the eraser and an grievous grappling module appear. Do NOT utter on face.
Use screwdriver on mitt lateral of chromatic lead and vanish the render case. You crapper also ingest screwdriver on mitt conception of folding lead and lean the backwards of it.
When facin the rocking chair, you crapper advise it backwards and utter underneath to expose a 2.
If you countenance in the aggregation you module encounter the answers to the door.
For the couple: They would set on the governance and so their sort would be 5. In the backwards of the aggregation they hit the text cheese, angels, treat underneath. (Blue)
For the baby: He would set in highchair. The sort on the lead is the bunny’s representative (3). The text underneath his represent in aggregation is carpet, october, sox.
For the older Negro w/ cane: He would set in rocking chair.
(2). The text underneath his represent is panther, floyd, lady. (pink)
For the man: I couldn’t amount where he would sit, but I guessed his number, which is (8). The text underneath his represent are submarine, page, cab.(yellow)
You crapper start that into the door.
After you start that cipher into door, the surround that has the drawing module modify allowing you to append threesome chairs. If you do you module intend Normal end.
Ther is a meliorate modify if you crapper figur discover the cipher that goes into the flushed incase to the correct of the chromatic chair.
Good Luck!
Source: Escape Games 24