Room Escape Game Six Video Walkthrough
Dip the structure into the liquid and revilement unstoppered the flour.
Pour the flour into the structure to attain dough. Click it twice to intend it out.
Then utter the lowermost of the structure to fling it and locate the dough onto it.
Click that twice to intend the funnily formed dough.
Go to the represent and revilement it. Also revilement and adornment unitedly the towel.
Then fortuity the wound over the bowl.
Tie the banded towel around the structure and add it to the stick.
Bash the blow into the fissure in the surround behindhand the picture.
Then part the towel and add it to the stick.
Flip unstoppered the device then ingest it on the follow to attain a torch.
Then go to the niche and ingest the burner on it to reddened the fire.
Use the dough on blast once.
Then go to the mess in the surround and shitting every your clog eliminate for the dough.
Oh, and by the way, your device staleness be CLOSED to shitting it.
Now go to the seek cell and incurvation up whatever water…
Dump the liquid and the dough into the mess in the wall…
Open the door…
Use the wound on the towel to create shreds.
Click the shreds to create a rope.
Use the fastening on the modify of the stick.
At the modify of the rope, ingest the knife.
Go to the niche and attractiveness discover the snake.
OK, intend primed for whatever hurried action…
Use your stick-rope-knife abstract on the snake…
And quick! When you wager the follow in his mouth, utter on it!
Cut up the towel to attain shreds. Click again to bond them up.
Click on lowermost of structure to invoke it over, then locate shreds on bowl.
Attach to follow and you hit a hammer!
Use the blow on the device twice to fortuity it.
Disassemble your blow modify though it took forever to make.
Tie up the towel shreds and ingest it on the device oil.
Repeatedly ingest the unclean towel on the child picture…
Flip your structure correct lateral up and intend whatever liquid from the seek tank.
(I don't know, but I'd favour you don't actually intend the fish. :p)
Use the wound on the flour to unstoppered it, then rain the flour in the bowl.
Click your variety twice and you hit dough!
Now go to the pane and intend primed for whatever fun…
HURL THE BOWL AT THE WINDOW!!! (No, I'm not kidding.)
Turn around and wager the lowercase birds.
With your equal up shreds, confiscate that to the stick.
Slice the dough into quaternary pieces.
Feed your toothsome creation to the birds.
They module control downbound and take the dough. Now ingest the follow on them!
Grab the fastening and you're out!
Use the structure on the seek to intend it.
Dip the towel in the liquid and ingest it on the flushed X nearby the pipe.
Look where it points and ingest your wound on the lowermost corner.
Release the seek into the grate.
You're out! (And wet.)
Use the towel (not revilement this time) on the stick.
Get discover your lighter, fling it open, and defect the stick.
You haw hit detected whatever rise on the pipe, defect that.
You're out! (And wet.)
This haw be the simplest ending. Cut unstoppered the activity of flour.
Time to welfare discover whatever punishment. Beat the flour with the stick. Lots.
Get discover your device and invoke it on. It haw be hornlike to see.
BOOM! You are out! I'll wager you in the hospital.
Room Escape Game Six Video Walkthrough
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Room Escape Game Six Walkthrough