marți, 9 iunie 2009

Alrak Escape Walkthrough

first view
zoom in on the being (click on the window, than plant)
take chromatic key

zoom discover and invoke left
zoom in on coffeemachine (click on the wall) and verify naif bottle
zoom discover and invoke mitt twice
zoom in at correct place of mitt lead an verify hamer(little taste pixelhunting here)

zoom discover and ingest chromatic key on mitt door
click on the mitt place of plaything to countenance IN the tube
use blow on crowning chromatic anulus and intend flushed key

go discover the room and ingest flushed key on correct door.
use bottleful on region entranceway of furniture and intend a 4 member code.
get discover of the bedroom
turn erst correct and utter on mitt browndoor of loo for codepanel
insert the cipher and intend flushed key.
use redkey on frontdoor and you’re OUT
Alrak Escape Video Walkthrough

Source: Escape Games 24

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